
Novelty and Innovation

                                         For me novelty is making something new or being freshly new.Actually there are two type of novelty which is subjective novelty and objective novelty.So what do you think of about subjective novelty?It is a assumption or personal apperception what is novelty is all about.Like us.We have personal view of what the genius is all about.Some people might think genius is people who are around in the field of mathematics,science or anything like that.But some people will think that this guy is genius in football,or these people are so genius in playing chess.So each of us would call a geniuse in different meaning.And it is same for novelty.For example you are creating design.I will say that each of design is a product of novelty.It must be original and new.But we can't  avoid equation among them.In novelty does't mean we can fully avoid equation in making something new.It may seems a little same between them but it must be different in term of concept and in uniqueness.

                                        Secondly is about objective novelty.It is something that is new for all humanity in its development through ages.Actually a novelty also comes after it ever existed before.So it is something that has been created but it become a new again if it preceded by something different.The concept of borrowing and recurring are considered as the elements of novelty production.

                                       Now i want to touch about innovation.For my personal definition,innovation is a process of changes in making improvement on any organization.This is a must for any businessman or businesswoman.It is  a process by which people will pay you after you have delivered a good service.But it must be realiable and replicable at cost and it must be satisfying most.Innovation must make any organization become more efficient and productive in doing work.The simple example is your business image.If you are in changing your business identity it means you are making innovation.It is because you would atrract people by your new identity that you believe most.Another example is you delivering a faster services than before.This faster service will satisfy and relieve the customer because people don't like to wait long.In this case what we have to do is to learn business psychology so that we will know what people want in any service.



An accurate definition and the Myth of creativity

                         After i learned the deep about creativity,it is the generation of new ideas or a new way of doing things.Day by day the technologies that we used in our personal life is a new way of using it.For example,Iphone 4 that recently have been launch is quiet different form the previous product.The way we scroll the menu over the screen is so smooth and it's easier to use.So people behind the Apple incorporation use their thinking skill on how this product will become more productive and convenient to use.Thinking process is including after they received millions of feedbacks all around the world.They would recognize some of the dissatisfied feeling of the customer about iphone and they will rectify the errors that they made.So from that,we know that creativity is about the revolutionary of making new things that satisfy us.Any problems that came to us is not actually the barrier that stop us being creative but the problem itself increase our thinking skill.So creativity needs high thinking skill. In being creative,we need intelligent mind so that the solution that we produce has a some kind of value.I would say that a robbers that plan the strategy doing the robbery are the creative people.They know how to hide the activity from knowing by the polices and the tactics of getting much money from the robbery plan.But what they are doing has no value.They will get caught by the police and the activity itself is so evil.So we need intelligent thought of producing a creative solution.

                     Is not that hard of getting intelligent mind.What we need is we collecting a many information of what we will be doing.Do so many research and asking someone that know more than you.Learn from others and take time to make your own decision.This is how to train your intelligent skill because i think that creativity is 99 percent from training.I have heard some of the myths about creativity.These things will actually put people in a wrong concept so that people will think they are just special people or gifted person that can only be a creative people.The first thing is only special talented people are creative.I think that we can't deny that there are some talented people who are creative but they are only skillful in only specific matter.It is same with us.Actually we have a specific strength in any particular field.For example animator is specifically expertise in animation but they can't do what programmers do.It is because it depends on our interest.We are creative in our field.That's why people will be successful in his business that he like most.

                Another myth about creativity is people thought that only an artist have to be a creative.Supposedly
all of us have to be creative even we are in logical thinking field. Let say a teacher in one school.He or she would have thinking a method to make his or her students interested on the teaching itself.So there is no barrier on who should or should'nt be creative.Everyone must be creative.It is true that the artists should be more creative because they are entertaining people and they can't have the same idea.I'm hoping that all of us getting out of the myth of becoming the creative ones.It is same about richness.Everyone should be rich and none of us should thinking about poverty.But we are helping them.





Right brain and left brain

                I think i have heard about the right brain and the left brain side since i was in secondary school.At that time,i was thinking whether i am more dominant to left brain side or right brain side.Now i'm talking about right brain side.This is because that time i always thinking outside the logic and kindly of not good accepting the fact.Then i wasn't doing good in critical subject like chemical,and mathemathic.From that i was found myself as a right brain dominance.Why?Because i'm good in follow the ryhthm of music,good in drawing and i'm quite imaginative.During my school days,i was quite different among all my friends because they are good in mathematic and anything that use logical thinking instead of thinking visually.Even i'm not good in math,but i am surprisingly great in playing chess.People always saying that chess is for mathematic brained but i don't think so.I think it is a prove of how creative you are.In building strategy you have to use your creativity rather than thinking logically.It does not matter about any occasion that need strategy but you would use your right brain so much.People always quote that "think outside the box" and that is about right brain.The other thing is i found myself  not good in language.The guy like me need much of time to master language.It means that people that are left brained are excellent in mastering many language.But some people need time.

           Secondly i want to talk about left brain.Left brain is all about words,numbers,logic and analytic.Left brain or preferred as successive processor learning the data in step by step sequential format.So we can see that many of professional people comes from left brained.They succeed in processed information they received in sequential way.They are seeing the whole picture in verbally and arranging the information in an analytical way.People that are most left brained are too obedient to rules.Some of traits that belong to left brained people such as punctual,high responsiveness to logic,good in recalling people's name,and prefers formal study way.The dominance of which side of brain is really affecting the characteristic of someone.People nowadays think  that as higher the level we are get controlled by the left brain,as it gets successful we are.But we are completely wrong about that.To get successful in this world we must possess the skill.And the skill is come from our right brain,that control the pattern our mind to work.About the getting money,i think people that right brained is more successful that people are left brained.That is my personal point of view.



                          In my personal opinion,creativity is subjective.since years ago,there are some people from different profession has different thought about creativity.They are philosopher,psychologist.scientist that were suggesting the understanding of creativity from their own experiment and they have personal view about it. So from that,i also have my own definition about creativity.Because i think everyone as a human being in this world are creative  but it separates the people who is more creative by how much they can use their creative mind.Even the animal is also a creative by looking at their own skill and the way they are thinking on how to survive in their own world.Maybe we can see the creativity of animal in such program like national geography and animal planet how they structured the strategy to catch their victim and how they hiding their appearance from seeing by human because some of them thinking humans are eater and cruel.But this is just animal.They got the limitation to become more creative because the purpose of their living is just to survive.But as a human being,we have a civilization mission.We are civilizing the economy and technologies.That's why day by day we become more creative.We have not a limitation,but we have problems everyday.The problem itself  make us finding the solution and by doing that we increase our creativity.

                       My definition of creativity is the ability to produce a novel solution that never existed before and the method that ease our living.Everything that is new but we create them is a creative product.That's why everyone has their own creativity because we have different thinking skill.Even making a joke is a creative process and that's why we call a animation product is a creative product and the people behind it are the creative
people and the product itself make us laughing.Me myself as a faculty of creative multimedia student is in the process of being creative because what would i created in my every single work is something new and never existed.I think after i entered this course i learned how to be creative in solving the problems.Even i'm in depression but my creative thinking will help me stablelized the circumstanced.So let's become a creative people!!