
Novelty and Innovation

                                         For me novelty is making something new or being freshly new.Actually there are two type of novelty which is subjective novelty and objective novelty.So what do you think of about subjective novelty?It is a assumption or personal apperception what is novelty is all about.Like us.We have personal view of what the genius is all about.Some people might think genius is people who are around in the field of mathematics,science or anything like that.But some people will think that this guy is genius in football,or these people are so genius in playing chess.So each of us would call a geniuse in different meaning.And it is same for novelty.For example you are creating design.I will say that each of design is a product of novelty.It must be original and new.But we can't  avoid equation among them.In novelty does't mean we can fully avoid equation in making something new.It may seems a little same between them but it must be different in term of concept and in uniqueness.

                                        Secondly is about objective novelty.It is something that is new for all humanity in its development through ages.Actually a novelty also comes after it ever existed before.So it is something that has been created but it become a new again if it preceded by something different.The concept of borrowing and recurring are considered as the elements of novelty production.

                                       Now i want to touch about innovation.For my personal definition,innovation is a process of changes in making improvement on any organization.This is a must for any businessman or businesswoman.It is  a process by which people will pay you after you have delivered a good service.But it must be realiable and replicable at cost and it must be satisfying most.Innovation must make any organization become more efficient and productive in doing work.The simple example is your business image.If you are in changing your business identity it means you are making innovation.It is because you would atrract people by your new identity that you believe most.Another example is you delivering a faster services than before.This faster service will satisfy and relieve the customer because people don't like to wait long.In this case what we have to do is to learn business psychology so that we will know what people want in any service.


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