
Logical and associated mind map

Logical mind map

      Actually logical mind map is a direct connection to the stereotypes.It consists anything of solely stereotypes words.It means that any words that put within the mind map is very direct to the central of the object.My personal opinion about this type of method is we can simply get the general idea of what the core title is related about.Because everything besides the the central object is very clear and stereotypes and we would immediately get the rough idea.I think this method is really good for making such a good notes which will increase our short term memory of remembering the main points.That's why some of lecturers encourage us to do it rather than writing such a long words.It is because it saves time and we would focus on what lectures says while writing just a short points.

The rules of logical mind mapping

-We always have the subject in the centre of the page
-We should make the subject looks dominant than the rest of the words and images.
-Focus on the main categories before executing on mind map
-Put the exact images beside the words as to make it clear upon the word itself.
-The ideal mind map is to be shaped like a roots of a tree,branching out from a center.

Associated mind map

      By using a associated mind map it really works in developing and generates the ideas outside the subject and  it let us producing some random words and show the links between words that seemingly have no connection.Somehow it pushes our left brain to pop up some point that have no any connection but they can be used beyond the main ideas.So that we should have thinking the ideas without any logical mindset.

The rules of Associated mind mapping

-Let your mind relaxed and opened.
-Start off with the subject dominating the whole thing.
-Immediately branch off  to main catagories as you would in a logical mind map.
-Pick a link and start expanding.write anything that comes to your mind.
-Associated mind map supposed to be fast.
-Have fun in generating the points.

example of logical mind map

example of associated mind map

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