
JUXTAPOSITION-Personal reflection

                       Juxtaposition is placing two variable,side by side to show a similarity and contrast through comparison.I think that juxtaposition is the ways for many poetry to developed their language.Every languages has their own juxtaposition.That's why in our primary school we take literature class.From that we would learn so many juxtaposition that we still use until now.Correct is it?And i think everyday people use juxtaposition to swear other people,to advise people,and to allegorise something.Juxtaposition makes our conversation to be interesting which will make people laughing if it sound like humor.But i admit that we will use juxtaposition everyday just for swearing someone we don't like or when we are in depression.This method would make a contradiction between our right or left brain.This is because many of them is out of logical thinking.

Metaphor and similes

Metaphor=This is a figure of speech to linking two different things by some similarity.But this method occured when two different things is connected by imaginative ways.It means that the obvious comparison is not a metaphor.There is no such words like as/like.

Example=Boy,i am burned up!

Similes=It is a figure of speech indirectly compares two different things by employing the word like/as or than.

Example=Chris was a record-setting runner and as fast as a speeding bullet.

Logical analogies and affective analogies

Logical analogies=This is a analogies,which use the similarities in the design,the capability or a function to connect back to the subject.For example a bird and a aeroplane has the fact that we can compared both because both of them can fly in the air.

Affective analogies=This type of analogies is a emotional resemblance.The nearest example is the use of animal to portray a characteristic of people.For example is "Muzaffar is lazy like a cat".How do we know that cat is lazy?Maybe we see their purpose of life is just looking for food and sleep after filled with food.Forget about that.That just an anlogies.

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