

                          In my personal opinion,creativity is subjective.since years ago,there are some people from different profession has different thought about creativity.They are philosopher,psychologist.scientist that were suggesting the understanding of creativity from their own experiment and they have personal view about it. So from that,i also have my own definition about creativity.Because i think everyone as a human being in this world are creative  but it separates the people who is more creative by how much they can use their creative mind.Even the animal is also a creative by looking at their own skill and the way they are thinking on how to survive in their own world.Maybe we can see the creativity of animal in such program like national geography and animal planet how they structured the strategy to catch their victim and how they hiding their appearance from seeing by human because some of them thinking humans are eater and cruel.But this is just animal.They got the limitation to become more creative because the purpose of their living is just to survive.But as a human being,we have a civilization mission.We are civilizing the economy and technologies.That's why day by day we become more creative.We have not a limitation,but we have problems everyday.The problem itself  make us finding the solution and by doing that we increase our creativity.

                       My definition of creativity is the ability to produce a novel solution that never existed before and the method that ease our living.Everything that is new but we create them is a creative product.That's why everyone has their own creativity because we have different thinking skill.Even making a joke is a creative process and that's why we call a animation product is a creative product and the people behind it are the creative
people and the product itself make us laughing.Me myself as a faculty of creative multimedia student is in the process of being creative because what would i created in my every single work is something new and never existed.I think after i entered this course i learned how to be creative in solving the problems.Even i'm in depression but my creative thinking will help me stablelized the circumstanced.So let's become a creative people!!

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