
Right brain and left brain

                I think i have heard about the right brain and the left brain side since i was in secondary school.At that time,i was thinking whether i am more dominant to left brain side or right brain side.Now i'm talking about right brain side.This is because that time i always thinking outside the logic and kindly of not good accepting the fact.Then i wasn't doing good in critical subject like chemical,and mathemathic.From that i was found myself as a right brain dominance.Why?Because i'm good in follow the ryhthm of music,good in drawing and i'm quite imaginative.During my school days,i was quite different among all my friends because they are good in mathematic and anything that use logical thinking instead of thinking visually.Even i'm not good in math,but i am surprisingly great in playing chess.People always saying that chess is for mathematic brained but i don't think so.I think it is a prove of how creative you are.In building strategy you have to use your creativity rather than thinking logically.It does not matter about any occasion that need strategy but you would use your right brain so much.People always quote that "think outside the box" and that is about right brain.The other thing is i found myself  not good in language.The guy like me need much of time to master language.It means that people that are left brained are excellent in mastering many language.But some people need time.

           Secondly i want to talk about left brain.Left brain is all about words,numbers,logic and analytic.Left brain or preferred as successive processor learning the data in step by step sequential format.So we can see that many of professional people comes from left brained.They succeed in processed information they received in sequential way.They are seeing the whole picture in verbally and arranging the information in an analytical way.People that are most left brained are too obedient to rules.Some of traits that belong to left brained people such as punctual,high responsiveness to logic,good in recalling people's name,and prefers formal study way.The dominance of which side of brain is really affecting the characteristic of someone.People nowadays think  that as higher the level we are get controlled by the left brain,as it gets successful we are.But we are completely wrong about that.To get successful in this world we must possess the skill.And the skill is come from our right brain,that control the pattern our mind to work.About the getting money,i think people that right brained is more successful that people are left brained.That is my personal point of view.

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